Are You Ready To Make A Full Time Living Licensing Your Music in TV, Films, Ads & More? Introducing...The Ultimate Music Licensing Guide

Getting started in music licensing (aka sync licensing) can be a daunting task. Who do you send your music to? What kind of music should you send? How will you get paid? What kind of files do you need? How many tracks do you need? It can be really confusing in the beginning, and it can feel like you're "shooting in the dark".
"The Ultimate Music Licensing Guide" is a four-hour audio/video course, created by Berklee College Of Music Alumnus Aaron Davison, that answers all these questions and more. Aaron breaks down everything you need to know to get started in the music licensing industry, based on his own experience of licensing his own music for over 20 years and working with hundreds of other artists, helping them get started in the music licensing space, since 2008.
"The Ultimate Music Licensing Guide" is a four hour plus audio/video course that outlines, in a step-by-step fashion, how to write, produce and license music in tv shows, films and ads. The course is instantly accessible online and features 7 different modules as well as a resource section featuring sample contracts, samples of music Aaron and others have successfully licensed, The 2023 Music Licensing Business Directory, an international PRO guide, bonus interviews and more!
Here's What You'll Learn Inside "The Ultimate Music Licensing Guide"
-Introduction To Course (Listen To The Intro Below)
"The Ultimate Music Licensing Guide" is a four-hour audio/video course, created by Berklee College Of Music Alumnus Aaron Davison, that answers all these questions and more. Aaron breaks down everything you need to know to get started in the music licensing industry, based on his own experience of licensing his own music for over 20 years and working with hundreds of other artists, helping them get started in the music licensing space, since 2008.
"The Ultimate Music Licensing Guide" is a four hour plus audio/video course that outlines, in a step-by-step fashion, how to write, produce and license music in tv shows, films and ads. The course is instantly accessible online and features 7 different modules as well as a resource section featuring sample contracts, samples of music Aaron and others have successfully licensed, The 2023 Music Licensing Business Directory, an international PRO guide, bonus interviews and more!
Here's What You'll Learn Inside "The Ultimate Music Licensing Guide"
-Introduction To Course (Listen To The Intro Below)
Module 1 - Mindset
-Music Licensing Is A Long Term Game
-Staying Motivated
-Dealing With Rejection
Module 2 - How To Write Music For Licensing
-Three Elements
-Subject Matter
-What Types Of Songs Work Best
Being Authentic VS Writing For Licensing
Module 3- Production
-Production Quality
-How To Choose The Right Music Producer
-How To Finance Your Recordings
Module 4 – The Details – Things To Do Before You Start Pitching
-Types Of Files You Definitely Need
-Types Of Files You Might Need
- Copyrighting Your Music
-Metadata And Your Tracks
-Registering With PRO’s
Module 5 - Networking And Marketing
- How To Research The Market
-Publishers And Libraries VS Supervisors
-How To Make Contact
-How To Submit Your Music
-Tracking & Following Up On Your Submissions
-Submitting Directly To Music Supervisors
-Should You Pay To Submit To Music Briefs?
Module 6 - The Business Of Licensing
-How You Get Paid And How Much You Can Earn
-Non Exclusive Re-Titling Deals
-The Pros And Cons Of Exclusivity
-How Cue Sheets Work
-Co Publishing Deals Explained
-Buy Out Deals
-Types Of Deals To Avoid
-The problem with spreading yourself too thin
-Negotiating Deals
Module 7 – Advanced Music Licensing Techniques
-How To Create An Effective Show-reel With Gary Gray
-Working With Interns And Assistants
-Professionalism And Music Licensing
Resource Section
Submission Tracking Spreadsheet
Sample contracts
Purchase this course as a stand-alone product for just $77.00, or GO PREMIUM and access this course and ALL our courses for one low monthly price.